2024 Spirit of NC Winner - Eastern Region

Thank you for submitting your Spirit of NC winners!

Due to the timeline of award creation, the Eastern nominations are due on Friday, March 14 at 4:00 PM.

United Way organizations should submit one form per winner. Limit of seven winners per United Way. $45 per winner's award, of which UWNC will invoice the nominating local United Way after the ceremony.

Please note: winners are required to attend the in-person celebration.

The Eastern Ceremony will be held on March 25 from 10:00 - 11:30 AM at Smiths Pavilion of Dorcches (3713 N Halifax Rd, Rocky Mount, NC 27804)

If you have questions, reach out to Sara Carlson (scarlson@unitedwaync.org).

United Way Information
Winning Organization or Individual Information
Campaign activities are often the catalyst that educate, inspire, and energize donor campaigns (such as Bingo, United Way Olympics, Kickoff Event, etc). How did this campaign activity: Display creative/outstanding effort? Describe how this campaign activity make a valuable impact for your United Way. Produce qualitative and quantitative results such as # attending or # of new donors. Will this campaign activity be repeated as a best practice and why? Is this campaign activity worthy of the best practice showcase?
Leaders set the pace and influence employees. Campaign coordinators, committees, and other teams propel the campaign to success by implementing successful strategies and tools to drive Systemic and sustainable change. This requires collaborative community goals and work plans for long-term change. What role and campaign involvement did company leadership provide? Offer the organization’s corporate social responsibility goals/culture that support their community engagement priority. (This can be “outside” of UW involvement). Are they seen as a philanthropic leader in your community? How is employee and community member education and participation achieved? Describe one or more ways the organization works with community stateholders to create solutions to the community’s most pressing problems. How does the organization raise awareness of United Way’s value or partnership in their efforts? Offer tangible results of increased donor participation, giving, volunteer efforts or community partnership. This could include the organization’s growth in actual dollars raised, compared year over year. Was cause marketing used and if so, how did it impact campaign success? Are the organization’s efforts worthy of the best practice showcase?
Community problems are addressed through the organization’s own core values of diversity and inclusion. Describe how the organization’s actions lead to dismantling barriers and disparities based on race, ethnicities, age, gender, etc so everyone can fulfill their potential. Offer at least one example. How is this organization influencing the community to embrace an equity-minded culture and ensure words are supported with behavior? Offer how knowledge and commitment to equity has grown through the actions of this organization. Define any structure or specific successful strategies that have led to diversity and equity transformation of the community. Are the organization’s efforts worthy of the best practice showcase?
Leading recovery and rebuilding efforts after a disaster or crisis in the community. (Examples: Organizations offering supplies for immediate relief during a disaster, financial support for rebuilding efforts, vaccine rides/investment, etc.) Describe how this organization meets community needs related to disasters or crises in your community. What are the qualitative and/or quantitative results that indicate community support and recovery process? Give examples of targeted efforts to benefit the community at large. Offer any education or awareness raising events that gave volunteers or donors engagement opportunities. Are the organization’s efforts worthy of the best practice showcase?
Individuals can make a huge impact in their communities through donating, volunteering, or advocating for the United Way Mission. This community champion could be a board member, investor, or volunteer extraordinaire who leads and influences others, etc. Describe the role(s) of the individual in your community or United Way organization. What action(s) is taken by this individual to further the mission of the United Way or conduct themselves as a community ambassador? How does this individual’s involvement stand out from others? Offer tangible results of this individual’s influence and impact.
Volunteers can be developed into community change agents through United Way involvement. Hands-on experiences increase know ledge of community need and establish ownership for community improvement. Describe hands-on event(s) led by the organization that educates volunteers thorough meaningful experiences. What successful onboarding process and volunteer management is used by the organization to grow volunteer commitment and raise value for community care? Offer highlights of volunteer champions who lead by example. Share how the organization celebrates their volunteers and the impact of their service. Does the organization have a commitment to volunteerism in their Corporate Social Responsibility? How is it demonstrated? Offer any creative means used by the organization as an incentive for employees to volunteer. Are the organization’s efforts worthy of the best practice showcase?
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