Advocacy is the process of exercising our individual or collective power to influence policy and policymakers. To create lasting change, we can raise our hands and use our voice in a multitude of ways, from educating a friend or neighbor to speaking out on an important issue to encourage legislators to enact policy changes.
Local United Way organizations, and their community partners, work at the ground level to identify needs and create solutions for long-term change. Armed with needs assessment data and service experience, local United Ways leverage their knowledge to advocate on behalf of all North Carolinians. United Way of NC’s Public Policy Team set advocacy priorities and develop action plans that harness the collective voice of 50 local United Ways and impacts legislative policy, budget decisions, and government supported services.
- Awareness raising on the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, and VITA sites.
- State Budget ask for NC 211 funding and support for United Way.
The Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI) is a national, nonprofit organization that helps charitable organizations increase their effectiveness and impact through advocacy.
- NC Justice Center | county economic data
- Kids Count Data Center
- National Equity Atlas
- US Census Bureau
- National League of Cities
- National Conference of State Legislatures
- National Institute of Mental Health
- National Center for Health Statistics
- US Department of Health and Human Services
- US Department of Labor
- US Bureau of Labor Statistics